Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Got a box of Life cereal for $2.39 at Bel Air Target

The low cost of some of the groceries offered at Target convinced me to split my weekly grocery store trips into two ever since the Bel Air Target started selling them a couple of years ago. Cereal is one of the categories they seem to dominate in low price. A number of their Market Pantry brand cereals are less than $2. Brand name cereals are often priced in the $3 range. Yesterday, we picked up a 15-ounce box of Life cereal for $2.39. In grocery store aisles I often see brand name cereals going for more than $4, leaving me wondering why adding sugar and raisins to the same grains horses eat for breakfast sends prices into the stratosphere?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I moved to Bel Air in the summer of 2006 and have been doing my grocery shopping at Target almost ever since! I only go elsewhere for fresh produce, and usually to the Farmer's Market when it is open. I've saved so much money in the long term this way!